Fertagus ensures the sale of transport and parking tickets, accordingly to Tariff duly approved and disclosed at the stations and at www.fertagus.pt, which, accordingly to their nature, use different type of supports:
6.1 Type of supports
a) Viva viagem
It means the electronic card which allows the load of Simple and Pre-Purchased Tickets of the same Type/Origin/Destination/Tariff and zapping units.
The contactless Viva Viagem Cards have an established cost on the Tariff in force, being required for the use of the service by users of simple and pre-purchased tickets sold by Fertagus.
The Viva Viagem Cards are valid for loading, within a year after its purchase. These are reusable cards and they may be loaded/validated on Operators with contactless ticket offices.
During the warranty period of 1 year, the entity where the Viva Viagem Cards were purchased, undertakes to carry out its free replacement if they stop working due to malfunction.
When the period of loading validity of 1-year ends, the Transport Tickets contained in the card may be used.
b) Lisboa Viva Card
It means the personal and non-transferable card, equipped with contactless technology, which enables the access to the use of the transport of several transport operators on the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon. This card allows the load of transport tickets of each Operator and combined tickets up to 4 contracts.
The Lisboa Viva Card has a “chip” and an antenna which good operation depends essentially on the preservation care. The card’s holder undertakes to ensure this basic care, namely by not subjecting the card to: torsions or bends, high or low temperatures, sticking or peeling of other products which are not a “transport seal”, electric or electric magnetic effects, scraping, high humidity levels or all and any mishandle which may affect its operation.
The Lisboa Viva Card has a warranty period of two years from the date of issue. During this warranty period, the entity where the Cards were purchased or one of the Transport Operators where the loading has been carried out shall carry out its free replacement in the case of malfunction.
The prices and issuing rules of the Lisboa Viva cards are announced at www.fertagus.pt.
Within the scope of the previous paragraphs a) and b), the cards which do not show any visible damage, namely cracks, cuts, total or partially displaced chip, bends or other signs of mishandling and misuse are considered defective. The Transport Tickets contained on the defective cards shall be transferred to a new support and the display of the invoice is mandatory. Apart from these situations and when the warranty period ends, the card’s replacement shall be borne by the customer.
Fertagus is only responsible for the delivery of the requested Lisboa Viva Card up to 6 months after its request date. The non-picking up of the card within this period does not imply the refund of the amount paid nor a free issuance of the new card.
The balance of the Viva Viagem Cards and the Lisboa Viva Cards may be consulted on the Fertagus ticket offices or on the Automatic Ticket Machines. On the latter, you shall insert the card on the slot intended for card reading and check the correspondent data on the screen. If you travel, the balance shall be displayed on the validator’s scree at the time of validation of the Transport Ticket.
No matter which contactless card it is, it should not be validated with other electronic cards, for example: Viva Viagem Card with a Lisboa Viva Card.
c) Caixa Viva Card
It means a contactless card issued by Caixa Geral de Depósitos which grants the passenger the right to travel on a specific chosen route, the normal simple ticket being charged for the origin/destination route taken 48 hours after through the debit of the travel price on the account. The specific user conditions are disclosed at www.fertagus.pt.
d) Smartphone
It means a mobile phone with an operating system equivalent to a computer, which allows to install and use applications, namely applications which enable the purchase and use of services provided by Fertagus. Furthermore, the ones with NFC are also considered a contactless support and may also be used to load and validate transport tickets.
e) Magnetic paper card
It means the support used to load exclusive parking lot tickets.
6.2. Transport Tickets
a) Subscription
It grants the Passenger the right to the Transport on a given route, for a period of 31 days after the load or from the end date of the last Contract used, on the Fertagus, Sulfertagus or Parking Lot Services.
The Subscriptions are loaded on the Lisboa Viva Card or on a smartphone with a transport application to which Fertagus has adhered.
The Customer that holds a Subscription may add a complementary route to the Fertagus Service to anticipate or extend their trip, acquiring a complementary route, exclusively sold by Fertagus, whenever they use the Lisboa Viva Card.
b) Combined pass
It grants the Passenger the right to the Transport on a given route, on the engaged Transport Operators, for a period of 30 days after the load or from the end date of the last Contract used.
The combined passes are loaded on the Lisboa Viva Card or on a smartphone with a transport application to which Fertagus has adhered.
The Customer that holds a Pass may add a complementary route to the Fertagus Service to anticipate or extend their trip, acquiring a complementary route, exclusively sold by Fertagus, whenever they use the Lisboa Viva Card.
c) Simple Ticket
It grants the Passenger the right to a Trip on the Fertagus or Sulfertagus Service.
The simple tickets can be loaded on contactless supports or smartphone.
The Fertagus tickets have a maximum duration of two hours between a Fertagus origin and destination.
The Sulfertagus tickets enable one trip on Fertagus and two trips on a Sulfertagus bus associated to the station of origin and another on a Sulfertagus bus associated to the station of destination, if the Sulfertagus Service is available on those stations. The trips have a maximum duration of two hours and thirty minutes for the total trip (bus + train + bus). After its validation, the tickets have a maximum duration of one hour to carry out the transhipment between the train and the Sulfertagus Service bus and vice-versa.
d) Pre-purchased Ticket
CIt corresponds to the load of simple tickets in 5 or 10 units, receiving a quantity discount, on the Fertagus Service, 5 or 10 trips or SulFertagus exclusively with 10 Trips.
The Pre-purchased are loaded on contactless Viva Viagem Cards and each Pre-purchased has the same characteristics as a simple ticket.
e) Complementary Route
The Customer that holds a combined Pass or Subscription may add a complementary route to the Fertagus Service to anticipate, complement or extend their trip, acquiring a complementary route. This complementary route is valid for two hours, after its purchase, for the route for which it was sold. It may only be loaded on the Fertagus ticket offices and automatic machines, on a Lisboa Viva Card, and the price corresponds to a Fertagus simple ticket for the chosen origin/destination/tariff.
f) South Ticket
It grants the passenger the right to travel exclusively on SulFertagus buses, being valid for the circulation for which it is sold, in paper support.
g) Group Ticket
This ticket aims to be simultaneously used by a group of people. It allows to load the number of trips equivalent to the number of people of the group, to a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10, on a single Viva Viagem support for the entire group.
h) Caixa Viva Bank Card
It grants the Passenger the right to travel on a specific chosen route, being charged the price correspondent to the simple ticket, normal tariff, for the origin/destination route taken 48 hours after, through the debit of the price on the account.
The specific user conditions are disclosed at www.fertagus.pt.
i) Zapping
It grants the Passenger the right to travel on a specific chosen route, provided that zapping units on the same or superior amount to the simple ticket, normal tariff corresponding to the origin/destination route taken were loaded and validated.
The specific user conditions are disclosed at www.fertagus.pt.
Zapping is a pre-paid transport ticket that may be loaded on Viva Viagem and Lisboa Viva cards or smartphone.
j) Transports application to which Fertagus has adhered
It grants the Passenger the right to travel on a specific chosen route, provided that the trip is started and ended on the application, and the amount commercially defined by Fertagus is deducted, accordingly to the commercial conditions of the product disclosed at www.fertagus.pt.
Furthermore, for each application, the pre-load of transport tickets made available may be carried out.
The user conditions and requirements of each application to which Fertagus has adhered are also disclosed at www.fertagus.pt.
k) Viva Go
It grants the Passenger the right to travel on a specific chosen route, provided that the Lisboa Viva Card is validated with the active Viva Go contract, being charged the price correspondent to the simple ticket, normal tariff, for the origin/destination route taken.
The specific user conditions are disclosed at www.fertagus.pt.
6.3. Parking lot tickets
Any parking ticket may be sold on the outdoor or indoor parking lot, accordingly to the tariff in force.
The train customers that do not have the Parking Lot included on the Transport Ticket and occasionally use the Parking Lot pay as a Simple Ticket’s Customer. This payment is exclusively available on the automatic ticker machines.
Whenever the periods of 24 consecutive hours parking associates to the tariffs paid on parking tickets combined with train are exceeded, the applicable tariff on the following periods is equivalent to the parking ticket combined with a simple ticket. In the case of the pre-purchased tickets, the Customer may opt for its recharge.
The first hour and a half is free, and the Customer may have a tolerance of 30 minutes regarding the length of stay correspondent to the payment carried out, to leave.
Fertagus may define specific conditions for the purchase of parking tickets available or supress the sale of some, namely in the case of excessive demand given the available supply, which information shall be previously disclosed.
a) Exclusive Parking Ticket - Daily rate
It grants the respective holder the right to park on the Parking Lot for a certain period and through the payment of the correspondent hourly fee up. This ticket shall be paid on the automatic machines.
b) Pre-purchased exclusive parking tickets
It grants the respective holder the right to 5 or 10 entrances on the Parking Lot for a period of 24 consecutive hours. When the period of 24 hours ends, in case the Customer does not have enough pre-purchased tickets to deduct the exit, the amount to pay is due accordingly to the tariff of simple tickets combined with parking, for periods of 24 consecutive hours. Alternatively, you may recharge pre-purchased exclusive parking tickets. In case the Pre-purchase exclusive parking Customer has enough tickets, the periods of 24 consecutive hours shall be automatically deducted on the exit validation.
c) Simple Combined Tickets - Train and Parking
The Fertagus combined tickets with parking are valid for the use of the train and parking lot chosen. The parking lot may be: Indoor or outdoor parking lot of each station, with different tariffs.
It grants the Customer who holds this Transport Ticket, the right to park on the Parking Lot, for a period of 24 consecutive hours after the entrance on the Parking Lot.
d) Parking Pass
It grants the Customer the right to park on the parking lot for a period of 30 days.
e) Parking Subscription
It grants the Customer the right to park on the parking lot for a period of 31 days.