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Nota de apoio à navegação

Nesta página encontra 2 elementos auxiliares de navegação: motor de busca (tecla de atalho 1) | Saltar para o conteúdo (tecla de atalho 2)
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Regulation of Operation of the Parking Lots


The Parking Lots are exclusively intended for passenger light-duty vehicles and motorcycles and the access of other type of motorized or non-motorized vehicles is not authorized.

Article 1º


This regulation aims to regulate the organization and internal operation of the Parking Lots for light-duty vehicles and motorcycles.

Article 2º

(Scope of Application)

This regulation applies to the parking lots in operation near the stations allocated to Fertagus.

 Article 3º

(Regulation´s Mandatory Basis)

The provisions of this Regulation are applicable to all Customers.

Article 4º

(Posting Locations)

This Regulation is available for consultation on the Fertagus’ website and on the ticket office of each station allocated to Fertagus.

Article 5º

(Parking Lots' Capacity)

The maximum capacity, in terms of spaces, of the parking lots is the following:



  Total seats offered Customer reduced mobility   Places Reserved Total seats available
P2 245 3   0 242



  Total seats offered Customer reduced mobility   Places Reserved Total seats available
C1 569 11   0 558
C2 565 0   0 565



  Total seats offered Customer reduced mobility   Places Reserved Total seats available
F1 567 6   0 561
F3 199 3   0 196
F4 893 8   0 885


Foros de Amora

  Total seats offered Customer reduced mobility   Places Reserved Total seats available
A1 289 4   0 285
A2 128 0   0 128
A4 149 4   0 145



  Total seats offered Customer reduced mobility   Places Reserved Total seats available
C1 316 0   0 316
C2 324 7   0 317
C4 134 0   0 134
C5 458 6   0 458



  Total seats offered Customer reduced mobility   Places Reserved Total seats available
P1 670 8   12 652
P2 1018 18   0 1031


The parking spaces made available for the customers in each parking lot may be adjusted for operational reasons, provided that the number of spaces adequate to the existent demand in each moment is ensured. The unavailable parking spaces shall be identified on the locations, with the appropriate signage.

Article 6º

(Hours of operation)

The Outdoor Parking Lots are open for operation and public access for 24 hours, every day of the week. Nevertheless, they might close without prior notice, in cases of force majeure.

The Indoor Parking Lots are open for operation and public access between 5 A.M. and 2 A.M. on Business Days and between 5.30 A.M. and 1.15 A.M. on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. Nevertheless, they might close without prior notice, in cases of force majeure.

As reasons of force majeure are considered, namely, the occurrence or eminence of occurrence of natural disasters, abnormal situations that are or might be a danger to the Customers or respective vehicles, as well as the need of repairs on the Parking Lots, which imply the need of it being total or partially vacant.

Article 7º

(Tariff Scheme)

The use of the Parking lots included on this Regulation shall be carried out through the payment of amounts, VAT included, defined on the tariff in force and available for consultation on the entrance of the Parking Lots and on the ticket offices of the stations allocated to Fertagus.

The Customer may have a tolerance of 30 minutes, regarding the length of stay correspondent to the payment carried out, to leave.

For commercial reasons, it is possible to apply promotional tariffs, inferior to the maximum amounts indicated.

The Customer, by entering the parking lot or by acquiring a valid ticket for it, accepts the conditions on this regulation and the tariffs disclosed and in force on that day and Fertagus undertakes to offer the service pursuant to the terms of this regulation.

The use of the Parking Lots might be carried out through the acquisition of one of the following tickets:

a)      Exclusive Parking Ticket - Daily rate - it grants the respective holder the right to park on the Parking Lot for a certain period and through the payment of the correspondent hourly fee up to a maximum daily amount, valid for a period of 24 hours, from which the maximum daily amount is paid for each day of use (up to 24 hours). This ticket shall be paid on the automatic machines.

b)      Pre-purchased Exclusive Parking Ticket – it grants the respective holder the right to 5 or 10 entrances on the Parking Lot for a period of 24 consecutive hours; when this period ends, in case the Customer does not have enough pre-purchased tickets, the amount to pay is due accordingly to the tariff of simple tickets combined with parking, for periods of consecutive 24 hours. Alternatively, you may recharge pre-purchased exclusive parking tickets. In case the Pre-purchase exclusive parking Customer has enough tickets, the periods of 24 consecutive hours shall be automatically deducted on the exit validation.

c)      Simple Parking Ticket Combined with Train - it grants the Customer who holds this Transport Ticket, the right to park on the Parking Lot, for a period of 24 consecutive hours after the entrance on the Parking Lot.

d)      Pass or Subscription of the Parking network – it grants the Customer the right to park on the parking lot for the valid period of the train ticket for 30 or 31 days, respectively. The tickets are exclusively charged on a Lisboa Viva card, on a specific contract on the card, and begin their validity on the moment of charge or from the moment of expiry of the contract in use. The ticket is valid exclusively for the parking lots of a station chosen by the Customer. 

e)      The train customers that occasionally use the Parking Lot pay as customers of parking combined with Simple Tickets. These payments shall be made available on the stations’ automatic machines.

f)       Whenever the periods of 24 hours parking associated to tariffs paid on parking tickets combined with simple train tickets are exceeded, the applicable tariff on the parking lots is always the same. In the case of the pre-purchased tickets, the Customer may opt for its recharge.

g)      If an excess demand for the parking lots is verified, Fertagus may supress the sale of some of the available tickets or define specific acquisition conditions, which information shall be posted on the correspondent station and parking lots.

h)      The parking tickets may be acquired for the Indoor or Outdoor Parking Lot. The Indoor tickets allow the access to the Outdoor Parking Lot. The resverse is not observed.

i)        Customers with an Outdoor Parking ticket that use the Indoor parking lot pay the price of the Indoor parking lot combined with a simple ticket.

j)        The transport and parking tickets are charged on contactless support, acquired by the Customer, receiving a simplified invoice/receipt that should accompany the contactless support for presentation purposes in the case of malfunction of the support, therefore avoiding the lack of a valid transport ticket to the passenger.

Article 8º

(Places of payment of the parking tickets) 

All the payments of parking tickets shall be carried out on the Fertagus station during their hours of operation.

The parking tickets combined with the train may be acquired on the ticket offices. The exclusive parking tickets or the ones which benefit from the Train Customer’s discount shall be paid on the automatic machines on the stations.  The Parking Subscriptions and Passes may also be acquired on other points of sale indicated by Fertagus on its website.

Article 9º

(Loss or Misplacement of the Parking Lot’s Access Card)

In the case of loss or misplacement of the access card, the Customers should request, before the Fertagus ticket office or before a station Employee (in the case the ticket office is closed) the issuance of a new card, which shall be provided through the payment of the amount established on the tariff in force.

For this purpose, it is mandatory to fill a standard form, displaying the citizen card or other identification document,  and to pay the amount correspondent to the maximum parking daily rate, except if the vehicle has been parked on the Parking Lot for days, in which case the amount correspondent to the length of stay on the parking lot shall also be paid.

Fertagus carries out the issuance of a duplicate of Parking Passes and Subscriptions in the case of loss or misplacement, through the acquisition and Customer data confirmation.

Article 10º

(Parking Lot’s Management)

The management and administration of the Parking Lots are carried out by Fertagus, which ensures the operation of the parking lots and the daily Customer service.

Article 11º

(Preservation and Maintenance)

Fertagus assures and ensures the preservation and maintenance of the Parking Lots, namely its painting and equipment and lighting systems assistance, hiring specialized staff for this purpose.

Article 12º

(Hygiene and Cleanliness)

In order to ensure the hygiene and cleanliness of the Parking Lots, the specialized staff teams shall regularly act on the terms defined by Fertagus.

Article 13º


For purposes of implementation of a fire safety service, Fertagus undertakes to:

a)      Ease the intervention and free access of fire trucks to the parking lots.

b)      Have the firefighting means demanded by law.

Article 14º

(Road Signage)

For all legal purposes, the parking lots are deemed an extension of the public road, wherefore the road signage shall be kept on the inside under legally demanded terms. The vehicles and pedestrians exists, the wrong-ways, the change of directions, among others, shall be signalled.

The spaces intended for the parking of vehicles shall be signalled on the pavement through indelible lines.

On everything not provided on this regulation, except if Fertagus or any specific signage dictates otherwise, the Users shall be obliged to respect the Road Code.

Article 15º

(Customers’ Obligations)

The Parking Lot Customers, upon entering the parking lot, undertake to scrupulously observe the provisions of this Regulation, namely to:

a)      Respect the signage, hygiene and safety rules posted on the Parking Lot’s indoor spaces or accesses;

b)      Obey the reasonable instructions given by the elements which ensure the Parking Lot’s maintenance, cleaning, preservation and safety, respecting all the existent warnings on the parking areas;

c)      Do not drive vehicles inside the Parking lots under the influence of alcohol, addictive substances or narcotic drugs;

d)      Do not practice, on the parking areas, acts that go against the law, the public order or the good practices;

e)      Do not use the Parking Lot for purposes not established on its intention;

f)       Do not carry out, inside the Parking Lots, any cleaning, lubrication or vehicle repair operations, except small emergency operations, as long as these are not harmful for the parking lots or third-parties;

g)      Do not turn the engine on, except for purposes of accessing the parking space or exiting for the public road;

h)      Respect the maximum driving speed inside the Parking Lots, never exceeding the speed of 10 Km/h;

i)        Drive and manoeuvre with the necessary caution to avoid all and any accident situations;

j)        Do not park the vehicle on the circulation paths, access ramps or any other place that is not a parking space or that prevents or hinders the circulation and manoeuvres of the other users, as well as on duly identified reserved spaces.

k)      Do not occupy or practice any act that in any way prevents, hinders or creates obstacles to the use of the Parking Lot by the other Users;

l)        Do not park the vehicle anywhere except on the spaces reserved to a single automobile vehicle, which are signalled by lines set on the pavement;

m)   Do not park the vehicle on reserved spaces or on spaces identified by a plate;

n)      Do not set fire, use torches or any other materials, instruments and/or devices that may cause fire or explosion risks;

Article 16º

(Amendments to the Regulation)

Fertagus may amend this regulation, aiming for its adaptation to new realities and needs observed during the Parking Lot’s operation period.

The amends shall be duly communicated to the Users at least 15 (fifteen) days before, through the notices to be posted on visible places.

Article 17º

(Theft, Robbery and Damage)

As the parking system does not constitute a deposit contract, either of the vehicles or of the objects inside the vehicles, Fertagus is not responsible for its theft or robbery, nor for the damage caused to the objects or the vehicles.

Article 18º

(Customers’ Responsibilities)

The drivers and the owners of the vehicles are responsible for the parking and circulation on the parking lots, under the conditions provided on the current legislation.

The drivers are responsible for the accidents and damages they may cause due to inability, negligence or any other cause, particularly in the aftermath of a breach of this Regulation.

The Customers who cause damage on other vehicles or Parking Lot premises should immediately inform Fertagus, either through the company’s employees or through the police authorities.

Fertagus reserves the right to immobilize, through legal means, or issue the removal of any vehicle that is impairing the normal operation and safety of the Parking Lots and the vehicle’s driver or owner shall bear the costs of such operations.

Article 19º


The Customers can file claims on the appropriate book made available on the Fertagus’ ticket office, within the customer service operation hours, or through the other communication channels made available to the Customer.

Article 20º

(Vehicle abandonment and removal)

A vehicle shall be deemed improperly parked if its parking continues for a period equal or higher than 31 days and the respective Customer does not pay the amount of the taxes concerning this period.

It shall also be deemed improperly parked if it is in a situation envisaged by the road code or in non-compliance with the indications on the parking lots.

In the case of improper parking, the vehicle might be removed accordingly to the Road Code.

The parking of vehicles outside the spaces aimed for that purpose or in a space aimed for the parking of vehicles of certain categories is subject to towing.

The vehicles that remain on the Parking Lot for periods higher than 31 days and which plates are not registered on the list of authorized vehicles might be blocked as a safety measure, being unblocked with the payment of the length of stay on the parking lot, accordingly to the current fees table.

Article 21º

(Access to Individuals)

The parking lot is reserved for Customers with a parking ticket and its access and internal circulation is prohibited for those who do not intend to use it or do not have a vehicle parked inside.

In case of undue access, the Fertagus’ employees shall order the immediate exit of such person or people and they may also request police intervention.

Article 22º


 This Regulation immediately enters into force on 8 February 2018.


INF.I.071 - 08 February 2018